Forestry Employment Announcements
Job Postings
Supervisory Forester - RPF : Supervisory Forester - RPF | TÜV SÜD
Forestry Technician: Forestry Technician | TÜV SÜD
Frontier Resource Management LLC
Taho RCD
NECHAMA Los Angeles-based Fire Mitigation
Northfork Lumber Company
Sierra Institute
Northern Sierra Forestry Services
Sierra Forest Products
Black Fox Timber Management Group, Inc. (BFTM)
Forestry Techs - two - must be experienced - Smith River, and Crescent City, CA
Gualala Redwood Timber, LLC
Hearst Forests
FWS Forestry Services, Inc.
Sierra Institute
College of Natural Resources, Berkeley Forests
Environmental Resource Solutions, Inc.
RCD Monterey County
W. M. Beaty & Associates, Inc.
Tuolumne County
Jacobszoon & Associates, Inc.
Mendocino Redwood Company
High Country Forestry
Stewardship Projects Forester Forestry - Northern California
Regional Reforestation Manager South Sierra Forestry Region - Camino, Martell, & Sonora, CA
Jefferson Resource
Collins Pine
Alpine Land Information Services
NCRM, Inc.
We are happy to post any job openings for Forestry and Forestry related positions on this page free of charge. Please email your job announcement and we will post it at the soonest possible moment. We prefer if your announcement is in the portable document format (.pdf), Word Document (.doc, .docx), or we can link directly to your website. Unless otherwise specified postings will be removed after 30 days.
Job Applicants
While cover letters and resumes can say some, networking at CLFA conferences, workshops, and breakfast meetings are invaluable tools for finding a job in the small world of forestry, and can put you in contact with industry leaders from throughout the state. Even if you are not employed, attending these meetings will help you remain up to date on forestry issues, and improve your candidate status. See you soon!